Kierra Etsy

Etsy Shuffle-boarded! New update breakdown here

June 07, 20224 min read

Well, well, well Etsy rolled out of bed this week and decided to shake things up

Etsy right now:

Etsy Sharing

Ready to be an Etsy Star Seller?! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Etsy decided sharing is caring and has now made it easier for sellers to obtain the coveted 'star seller' label.

Here's the details:

A new messages experience where multiple messages from the same customer will be consolidated into a single thread - making it easier to respond to every message = qualify for star seller

Updated the rating criteria to a 4.8 rating average in three month review period - 4 stars ratings now contribute positively to start seller eligibility

✅ They lowered the order minimum to 5 orders within 3 months totaling to at least $300 before taxes

(You can watch my video break down of it here as well)

Etsy Star Seller

Bonjour Etsy Sales Event! 🇫🇷

Etsy is giving an ⚡️ extra boost ⚡️to shops participating in their summer sales event that is primarily for our friends in France

How to join:

🔟 Offer at least 10% off June 22-28

⬆️ Offer at least 20% off from June 29-July 12

⬆️ Offer at least 30% off from July 13-19

Etsy Sale

Tag your it 🏃🏼‍♀️

It's tiktok courtesy to tag original creators when you get inspired to make a video and they've now made it easier than ever!

(And we all know that TIktok loves when we use new features!)

👋🏻 Tag original creators is now displayed before you post your video

📍 Tag your location is now also displayed before you post your video

NEW TikTok editor here and gone?!

I ✨literally✨ get anxiety when I have to put text 💬 on a video through the tiktok editor because its so clunky and difficult to work with 😵‍💫

Tiktok was like "I got you babe'

📲 They launched a brand new in app editor experience 🎬 that feels a lot like capcut.

...Then like a bad Taco Bell order 🌮 it ran for about 24 hours and then ✨poof✨ was gone.

There was an error where the text would get all out of time ⏰ AFTER a video was posted (it was really annoying tbh) and so my suspicion is that it will be back after they squash the bugs🐞

TikTok Bugs

Pinterest giving out free money?! 💰🤑

Pinterest creator rewards (pinterest's creator fun) has been rolling out like a snail on a hot afternoon....aka slowly 🐌☀️

📩 It's still invite only BUT I put all the eligibility requirements below so you can start working on getting ready!

I've been eligible since they launched it and I only JUST got invited so don't be discouraged if you haven't gotten your invite yet- they are rolling it out more and more! 🥳

Imagine my surprise when I woke up 2 days after joining to $1550 in rewards?!?!?! Like what is life.

(Full video break down here)

We're only getting older baby..🥰

Pinterest Creator Rewards

Nobody asked but I couldn't help but share my excitement about celebrating my
10 year wedding anniversary this Wednesday! Freaking crazy how fast time goes?!?!

Some of my hot takes about marriage:

💕 It's not always 50/50 - each phase of life brings different challenges and you just gotta give the best you can

🥰 Marry someone who you'll never get tired of talking to (sometimes we'll still stay up til 2AM talking!)

🥒 I'm pretty sure every relationship has one person who likes pickles on their sandwich and one who does not (yummm😋)

💤 Trying to sleep next to someone who snores is the ultimate test

Kierra and Blake

Lets stay besties.

TikTok bots have been suspending accounts left and right (seriously no one is safe!) I've talked to people who are getting accounts taken down with millions of followers.

So just in case I created a backup account;

👉👉 You can follow here just in case!

"Just what I needed" 🥰

Shout out to my amazing fast-tracker student who sent this in this morning!! Means so much to me, truly!

➡️ I won't leave you hangin'- see what my passive income training is all about here

Some Monday Inspo

"If they say that's impossible, remember that it's impossible for them; not for you."

Have a great week! You got this!

You Got This

Kierra, know as 'The Fast Track Girl' in her online communities; is helping women stay updated on all things digital products! When it comes to building a passive income on Etsy, Kierra is among the top authorities women look to!

Kierra Butcher | The Fast Track Girl

Kierra, know as 'The Fast Track Girl' in her online communities; is helping women stay updated on all things digital products! When it comes to building a passive income on Etsy, Kierra is among the top authorities women look to!

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About Kierra

To simplify selling digital products online for go- getters who enjoy step by step, click by click, instruction + done-for-you templates!